Workforce Development Board, Herkimer, Madison, Oneida Counties, Inc.
This Grant is By Referral Only.
The program is a bridge between parole and the “parolee”. Coordination with any mandated services per their Parole stipulations. Referrals to other community service providers that would assist in keeping them from re-incarceration. Help obtain needed documents (ID, birth certificate, social security card). Offer job readiness skills, Cognitive Behavioral Intervention and Ready, Set, Work- a 20hr work readiness program to assist participants with getting back into the workforce. Financial incentives awarded with completion.
Oneida County resident who is on parole.
Referral must be made from their parole officer to engage in services.
Pre-release referrals done IN FACILITY prior to individual being released.
Please Note: We cannot fund or provide services to any male over the age of 18 who has not registered for selective service.
Jeremy Esch, Program Director
Phone: 315-207-6951, Ext 146
Are you a formerly incarcerated person with a mental health or physical condition that stops you from working? You may be able to get financial support from the government through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs. Read this guide to learn more.
¿Estuviste en la cárcel y tienes una enfermedad mental o física que te impide trabajar? Si tienes alguna discapacidad física o mental, quizás puedas obtener apoyo financiero del gobierno con los programas del Ingreso Suplementario de Seguridad (SSI) y del Ingreso del Seguro Social por Discapacidad (SSDI). ¡Lee esta guía para obtener más información!
Get Started to Apply for SSI:
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