Workforce Development Board of Herkimer, Madison & Oneida Counties, Inc.


Working Solutions Blog

The Workforce Development Board, Herkimer, Madison, and Oneida Counties, Inc. (WDB HMO), DBA Working Solutions, is part of the Public Workforce System, a network of federal, state, and local offices that support economic expansion and develop the talent of the nation’s workforce.

Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater Training


Certified HERS Raters are qualified to: perform duct tightness and blower door testing for home builders, certify projects for the ENERGY STAR program (after also completing the Energy Star Certified Homes Program), rate new homes in all states (except CA), and assist homeowners with problems such as ice dams, moisture, and mold.

From the Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance: 


Become a HERS Rater with the NEHERS Alliance!

Early Bird Discount: Register by August 15th and Save $200!

Final Registration Deadline is August 29th!

The Alliance is pleased to offer high quality HERS rater training classes in the Northeast, approximately 2-3 times per year.  We have contracted with Performance Systems Development (PSD) to run this training.  Our virtual HERS rater training classes have an online modules component (two weeks), which includes all of the building science theory, and a “classroom/field” practical training component (one week) on Zoom, which includes all of the hands-on practical training and testing that is necessary to prepare to pass the rater exams.  Our comprehensive training package includes everything a student needs to be well prepared to embark on an exciting career a HERS rater.  Due to Covid-19, the “classroom/field” practical training component will be conducted live over distance learning. Students will not have to travel to attend this training.  HERS rater training is the first step towards rater certification.  To learn more about the requirements for certification, click here.  Both online and classroom components are required for certification.

This course has been approved by the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund, which has funds available for employee training.  Please visit ourwebsite for details about how to apply.

Online Modules Component: Two-Week Training with Live Instruction:
Dates: September 12 - 23, 2022 - (9:00 AM-12:00 PM, and two Wednesday afternoons 1:00 -4:00 PM)

5-Day Classroom/Field Practical Training Component (Live on Zoom):
Dates: October 3 – 7*, 2022 - Weekdays 8:30 AM-5:00 PM – On Zoom

*Religious accommodations will be made for those observing Yom Kippur.

Training Fee is $2595 (Get $200 off if you register by August 15th!) and includes: the combined online and classroom components; all RESNET Exam Fees ($525 total value);  the Northeast HERS Training and Reference Manual ($100 value);  a one-year Associate Membership in the Alliance ($50 value);  36 hours of online study (pre-approved for 36 BPI credits);  5 days of classroom/field study (via distance learning);  a thorough review of basic energy concepts;  distance learning equipment usage with blower door testing and duct blasting;  two of the five Probationary Ratings overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor required by RESNET;  and training on the latest version of rating software.  Both online and classroom components are required for rater certification.  

Final registration deadline is August 29, 2022.  

For more information contact Betsy Ames at or call/text 978-633-3013 or register online at

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